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Steven Rosenzweig, MD


Peer Reviewed Publications

Rosenzweig S. Teaching the art of emergency medicine. Ann Emerg Med Jan 1991; 20:71-76.

Rosenzweig S. Humanism in emergency medicine. Am J Emerg Med 1993; 11(5):556-9.

Rosenzweig S. Emergency rapport. J Emerg Med. 1993, 11(6):775-8.

Rosenzweig S. Paradigm reclaimed: On restoring context to science in medical education. Academic Medicine 1994, 69(8):732-3.

Knopp R, Rosenzweig S, Bernstein E, Totten V. Physician-patient communication in the emergency department, Part 1. Acad Emerg Med 1996; 3:1065-9.

Totten VY, Knopp R, Helpern K, Hauswald M, Vicellio, P, Brennan J, Rosenzweig S, Jesionek P. (SAEM Taskforce on Physician-Patient Communication) Physician-patient communication in the emergency department, Part 2: Communication strategies for specific situations. Acad Emerg Med 1996; 3:1146-1153.

Rosenzweig S, Knopp R, Freas G, Viccellio P, Totten V. (SAEM Taskforce on Physician-Patient Communication). Physician-patient communication in the emergency department, Part 3. Acad Emerg Med 1997;4:72-77.

Rosenzweig, S, Brigham TA, Snyder RD, Xu G, McDonald AJ. Assessing emergency medicine resident communication skills using videotaped patient encounters: gaps in inter-rater reliability. J Emerg Med. 1999, Vol 17, No. 2:355-61.

Reibel DK, Greeson JM, Brainard GC, Rosenzweig S. Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health-related quality of life in a heterogeneous patient population. Gen Hosp Psych, 2001, Vol 23;183-192.

Rosenzweig S, Reibel DK, Greeson JM, Hojat, M, Brainard GC. Mindfulness-based stress reduction lowers psychological distress in medical students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2003;15:88-92.

Kienle GS, Berrino F, Bussing A, Portalupi E, Rosenzweig S, Kiene H. Mistletoe in cancer: A systematic review on controlled clinical trials. Eur J Med Res, 2003, 8:109-119.

Hojat M, Rosenzweig S. Journal Peer Review in Integrative Medicine. Seminars in Integrative Medicine, 2004, 2:1-4.

Rosenzweig S, Reibel D, Greeson J, Jasser S, McMearty K. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is Associated with Improved Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Program for Integrated Learning, ot Study. Alternative Therapies, 2007, 13:36-37.

Greeson J, Rosenzweig S, Halbert SC, Cantor IS, Keener MT, Brainard GC. Integrative Medicine Research at an Academic Medical Center: Patient Characteristics and Health Related Quality of Life Outcomes. J Alt Compl Med, 2008, 14:1-5.

Rosenzweig, S, Greeson, J, Reibel, D, Green, J, Jasser, S, & Beasley, D. Mindfulness-based stress reduction for chronic pain conditions: Variation in treatment outcomes and role of home meditation practice. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2010 Jan;68(1):29-36.

Fang CY, Reibel DK, Longacre ML, Rosenzweig S, Campbell DE, Douglas S. Enhanced psychosocial well-being following participation in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program is associated with increased natural killer cell activity. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2010 16:5 pp 531-538.

Grosseman, S, Hojat M , Duke PM, Mennin S., Rosenzweig S, & Novack D. (2014). Empathy, Self-Reflection, and Curriculum Choi ce. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 2014. 8(2):35-41.

Grosseman, S, Hojat M, Duke PM, Rosenzweig S, Davis T & Novack D. Residents' and standardized patients' perspectives on empathy: issues of agreement. Patient Education and Counseling. 2014. 96:22–28.

Kroz M, Kienle GS, Feder G, Kaveri S, Rosenzweig S. Mistletoe: From basic research to clinical outcomes in cancer and other indications. Evid Based Compl Alt Med, 2014. 2014:1-2.

Ziring D, Danoff D, Grosseman S, Langer D, Esposito A, Jan MK, Rosenzweig S, Novack D. How do medical schools identify and remediate professionalism lapses in medical students? A study of U.S. and Canadian medical schools. Academic Medicine, 2015. 90(7):913-20

Duke P, Grosseman S, Novack DH, Rosenzweig S. Preserving third year medical students’ empathy and enhancing self-reflection using small group “virtual hangout” technology. Medical Teacher. 2015. 37:566-571.

Moskalenko M, Mitchell M, Rosenzweig S. Commentary to: Artist's Statement: Abstract Art as Reflective Practice. Academic Medicine. 2017. 92:146.

Lane J, Mitchell M, Rosenzweig S. Commentary to: Artist's Statement: Medicine, Humanities, and Abstract Art. Academic Medicine. 2017. 92:351.

Book chapters

Mines D, Rosenzweig S. Acute pain management in adults. In, The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine, Ann Harwood-Nuss (Ed). J B Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1995.

Rosenzweig S. The physician-patient encounter: An opportunity for healing. In, Case Studies in Emergency Medicine and Public Health, Edward Bernstein (ed). Jones and Bartlett Inc., 1996.

Cantor I, Rosenzweig S. Anthroposophic perspectives in primary care. Primary Care Clinics in Office Practice, December 1997.

Rosenzweig S, Mines D. Acute pain management in adults. In, The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine, Ann Harwood-Nuss (Ed). J B Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 2000.

Rosenzweig S. Emergencies. In, Clinician’s Pocket Reference. Leonard G. Gomella and Steven A. Haist (Ed). McGraw Hill, 2002. (Contributor).

Rosenzweig S, Lopez B, Mines D. Acute pain management in adults. In, The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine, Ann Harwood-Nuss (Ed). J B Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 2005.

Rosenzweig S, Lopez B, Panzer E. Acute pain management in adults. In, The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine, Ann Harwood-Nuss (Ed). J B Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 2009.

Rosenzweig S. Complementary and Alternative Medicine. In, The Merck Manual 19th Edition. Robert S Porter (Ed). Merck Publishing. 2011.

Rosenzweig S. Complementary and Alternative Medicine. In, The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook Online. Robert S Porter (Ed). 2011.

Rosenzweig S, Lopez B, Panzer E. Acute pain management in adults. In, The Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine, Ann Harwood-Nuss (Ed). 6th edition. J B Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. 2015.

Monograph Chapter

Rosenzweig S, Novack D, Duke P. Chapter 8: Drexel University College of Medicine Program in Professionalism Education. In, Medical Professionalism Best Practices: Professionalism in the Modern Era. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Aurora, CO, 2017.

Digital media

Rosenzweig S, Snyder R: Doctor-Patient Interaction in the Emergency Department. [Video] 1991. Medical Media Services, Thomas Jefferson University

Module: Compassion and Resilience. Meyer F, Rosenzweig S. ProfessionalFormation.Org. 2018

Module: Moral Distress. Makowski S, Rosenzweig S. ProfessionalFormation.Org. 2018

Book reviews

Rosenzweig S. "The Code of Codes." [Book review] J Gen Intern Med 1993; 8:228-229.

Letters to Editors

Rosenzweig S. A guide for replacing the leaky ETT. [Letter] Am J Emerg Med 1991;9:995.

Rosenzweig S. The other half of the curriculum. [Letter] Ann Emerg Med May 1991;20:591.

Rosenzweig S. The physician as hero. [Letter] Acad Emerg Med June 1996;3:650

Mines D, Rosenzweig S. Reducing Treatment Delay and Improving Diagnostic Accuracy for Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. [Letter] JAMA Jan 1999;281:31

Rosenzweig S. Ethics of Clinical Trials. [Letter] NEJM 2000;342:978.


Rosenzweig S, et al. Process for assessing communication skills of emergency medicine residents. [Abstract] Acad Emerg Med 1996; 3(5):521.

Reibel DK, Greeson JM, Rosenzweig S, Brainard GC. Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health-related quality of life in a hetergeneous patient population. [Abstract] Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2001;23:S058 (Suppl.)

Greeson JM, Reibel DK, Rosenzweig S, Brainard GC. Mindfulness-based stress reduction and perceived stress in medical students. [Citation Abstract]. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2001;23:S096 (Suppl.).

Greeson J, Rosenzweig S, Vogel W, Brainard G. Mindfulness meditation and stress physiology in medical students. [Abstract]. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2001, Vol 63 (1):158-158

Edman JS, Rosenzweig S, Halbert SC, et al. A pilot study of elimination/challenge diets in patients with fibromyalgia. J Amer Coll Nutr 2001;20:574

Greeson, S. Rosenzweig, W. Vogel, M. Keener, A. Perry, G. Brainard. Mindfulness meditation and stress physiology in medical students. [Abstract] Psychosomatic Medicine 2001;63:158.

Rosenzweig S, Starrels J, Lopez B, Keener M, Greeson J, Davis-Moon L, Jasper E. Program for Integrated Learning, ot Study of the Arnica Compress to Relieve Acute Soft-tissue Pain. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2002; 9(5): 396.

Rosenzweig S, Reibel D, Greeson J, Jasser S, McMearty K. A Study of the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Glycemic Control and Psychological Well-Being in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Integrating Mindfulness-Based Interventions into Medicine, Health Care, and Society, Annual Meeting, 2006.